Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

Austin American-Statesman Metro State Monday, November 8, 1999 B3 Travis sheriffs officers honored for heroic acts I -v V. Si. if v. Ralph BarreraAA-S Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier, left, congratulates Deputy Mike Mancias as he makes his way to the podium Sunday night to accept an award for demonstrating his skills in the pursuit and apprehension of two aggravated armed robbery suspects. By Mike Kelley American-Statesman Staff The guy would not stay down.

Travis County Sheriffs Lt. Mark Sawa had stopped the man, who was driving the wrong way across the Loop 360 bridge, and the guy wanted to fight. Sawa, who is 6-feet-4-inches tall, put him down again and again. Every time, the suspect came back up, punching and kicking. He seemed, Sawa recalls now, "impervious to pain." Deputy Amber Wentz-Moore drove up.

The three of them fought, rolling around in the traffic lanes of the bridge. Wentz-Moore broke her leg in the melee until finally, after nearly being run over by traffic on the bridge, the two were able to subdue the man. It was, Sawa admits now, "very scary." For saving Wentz-Moore from further injury, Sawa on Sunday received a Life Saving Award from his fellow officers the Travis County Sheriffs Office Association. For her efforts, Wentz-Moore won a Purple Heart. They were two of the deputies recognized for performance during the past year for everything from battling with criminals to saving a life by giving CPR.

About 250 officers, their families and friends attended the awards ceremony at the Holiday Inn on Town Lake. "We don't often have a chance to tell people, 'Thank This is one of those times," said Sheriff Margo Frasier. Detective Rick Wines, a 16-year veteran of the sheriffs office, was named Officer of the Year. Jane Bidwell was honored as Ralph BarreraAA-S Robert Draper, left, listens to fellow author Sarah True lies' panel Sunday at the Texas Book Festival. Bird discuss her research for a novel during the The event raises money for public libraries.

Even novels of suspense can expose their author's past Corrections Officer of the Year. Clyde Hoffman, who handles the department's mail, was recognized as Employee of the Year. Also receiving Life Saving Awards were Deputies Ray Hil-burn and Ruben Garcia. Hilburn, while patrolling in a rural area of Northwest Travis County, came to the aid of an elderly woman suffering a heart attack, administering CPR until medical technicians arrived. Garcia came upon a man in the Volente area who was trying to commit suicide using his car's exhaust.

Garcia dragged the man from the car, saving his life. Honored posthumously were Deputies Benny Berry and Walter Eckert, who were shot in 1967 while serving a warrant. Not only partners, the two men were cousins. Berry died at the scene of the incident, while Eckert succumbed college classrooms. "Writing saved me from whatever could have befallen me," Salinas has said before.

He's gone on to become one of the nation's most respected writers in Chicano literature, and Stanford University obtained his archives in 1993. He says he's humbled by it all when he goes to neighborhoods and recreation centers to speak to youths interested in writing. Staff writers Michele Santos, Ricardo Gandara and free-lancer Carol Lake contributed to this report. reactions. They are confounded by the humanity they share with killers.

David Lindsey has met several hired killers and talked to them in prison, researching his mystery novels. He was surprised to find how personable they were. "They may love their dogs or even their daughters," he said. Literature can help resolve inner conflicts, Austin poet Raul Salinas suggested. Some 25 years ago, he served time in prison but read a lot and developed his writing.

It led to his "East of the Freeway," which is now used in some investigate deadly chase Continued from Bl the idealism of 1968, the year they graduated. The lawyer protagonist of his book shares that motivation. "The novels that we write are all parts of ourselves," said Chuck Meyer, author of "Deathangel." Meyer is a mystery writer, an Episcopal priest and vice president of operations at St. David's Medical Center. "Each person in the novel is also a part of you," he said.

Even when writing about evil, authors draw on their own Original PERGO Flooring (Was $3.99) PERGO Now $089 mmnj dm Sq. Ft While Supplies last! let last! 37 fll. 'J. Jewelry Gem Stones Beads Faceting Fossils Minerals Gem Mineral Exhibits Stone Identification Gem Mine Lapidary Supplies Working Demonstrations BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR AN EXTRA GRAND PRIZE i in 1975 to complications from wounds he had received eight years earlier. Two other deputies who died in the line of duty but had previously gone unrecognized were George Duncan and Maurice Moore.

Duncan was killed in 1911 while trying to arrest a man who had just murdered a bartender in South Austin. Moore was killed in 1887 while attempting to arrest two men in what is now the West Lake Hills area after they had confessed to burning down the Eanes School. Besides the presentation of awards, the evening featured a performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by the Sheriffs Choir, which also closed the ceremonies with "Amazing Grace." You may contact Mike Kelley at or 445-3627. work, she had to help her mother," Vasquez-Jones said. Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier has declined to comment specifically on Saturday's incident but said, in general, the decision to pursue a suspect is left to a deputy.

Funeral arrangements for LaToiya are pending through King-Tears Mortuary. Office Buildings Schools Day Care Centers Training Rooms Storage Buildings AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Morgan Building Systems Call 451-2205 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Call Today 474-1388 powerful computer chip ever designed for a hearing aid. If you hear, but are having trouble understanding conversation, you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this week's incredible offer. Please call for an appointment. SAVE $200 until Friday, November 12th rate.

Before After" Sale ipu, 30 Officials will Continued from Bl came upon Johnson and at least four others in Walter E. Long Park hours after it closed. Curtis Weeks, a department spokesman, said the office is investigating the incident and would not release the names of officials involved in the chase. Sheriffs deputies, discovering the group in the park about 1 a.m., turned on their lights. Weeks said one man stayed but Washington, With Johnson sitting behind him on the motorcycle, sped out of the park to the south on Blue Bluff Road.

Williams, driving another motorcycle with a 16-year-old girl aboard, also drove away, officials said. The chase started at 1:24 a.m. Both the cyclists and deputies were traveling fast, according to state troopers who also are investigating the incident. Both motorcycles allegedly ran a stoplight. Seconds later, Washington and Johnson fell from the bike when he failed to make a curve onto FM 969, officials said.

LaToiya's mother, Phyllis Johnson, said she believes deputies could have figured out who the EVERYTHING IN THE STORE 4 OL OFF SLAX MENSWEAR 5224 BURNET RD. 452-7122 SEALY SPRING AIR KINGSDOWN MORNING GLORY I SOUTHLAND CORSICANA AND MORE! SAVE MONEY THE WAREHOUSE WAY On Name Brand Mttreo Mlematchea Floor Sample Discontinued Low Overhead No Commlealons No Frills motocyclists were by interviewing the man who didn't leave. "I feel there shouldn't have been a chase," she said, adding that she wants to talk to deputies. Sunday, word of LaToiya's death spread among faculty members at Lanier. Letty Vasquez-Jones, who taught LaToiya business marketing, described the teen-ager as an outgoing and dedicated student who attended school half a day and worked half a day.

"She kept telling me she had to GARAGE DOORS Residential Sales Service Industrial Overhead 386-5226 www.industrialohd com FEATURING: ULTRA DENSE LUXURIOUS CARPETS by SHAW INDUSTRIES Huge detection Lowest Prices Financing WAS S1 6.50 $C95 HIGH-TECH HEARING AIDS PRESCRIBED BY EAR, NOSE THROAT PHYSICIANS A new family of hearing aids which use high-definition computer technology now offer digital sound processing for pleasant, enjoyable listening all day. The most important feature of this breakthrough is that it focuses in on the consonant sounds that begin words. This allows the listener to distinguish "cat" from "hat" and "ball" from Sound processing circuitry is stored on the smallest, most Capital Otolarynsolow Head Nk Surgery Audlology Heorlns Aid Technology Avail Ah 5Q. Tw. Jt I CAI CITY OF AUSTIN Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY: Youth Services Program The City of Austin, Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office (NHCD) has been provided federal funding from the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Gram (CDBG) program. Portions of NHCD's CDBG funds are reserved for activities that would prove the quality of life in priority neighborhoods through the Youth Services Program. GranLs are currently available to non-profit organizations for eligible Youth Sen ices Program activ ities within the City of Austin. This program enables non-profit organizations to provide youth services to youth in economically depressed neighborhoods. Non-profit organizations interested in applying must submit a proposal to NHCD.

The NHCD staff will then score each proposal and make recommendations to the Community Development Officer. has been allocated for this program and awards will be subject to funding availability. The maximum allowable contract award is up to Non-profit organizations wishing to submit proposals may obtain information and application packages from the City's Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office, located at 505 Barton Springs Road. Suite NX). Information and packets are available from the office, Monday through Friday between 7:45 a.m.

and 4:45 p.m. Any questions concerning the application process and selection procedure can be answered at an application pre-submission meeting to be held Tuesday, November 16, 1999. from p.m.-5:3() p.m. at the NHCD office in the 6th Floor Board Room. All prospective applicants are strongly recommended to attend this meeting.

Proposals will be accepted beginning November 17. 1999. The deadline for submission is 4:45 p.m. on December 8, 1999. Postmarked or faxed submissions will not be accepted.

Incomplete or late applications ill not be considered. If there are any questions, please contact Ateja Dukes at 499-3170. Awards are scheduled to be made in late December 1999. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.

Please call 499-3100 (voice) or 499-3102 (TDD) for assistance. The City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to. or treatment or employment in. its programs and activities. Dolores Gonzalez has been designated as the City's ADASection 504 Coordinator.

Her office is located at 206 East 9th Street, Suite 14.138. If you have any questions or complaints regarding your ADASection 504 righLs. please call the ADASection 504 Coordinator at 499-3256 (voice) or 499-2445 (TTY). This publication is available in alternative formats. Please call 499-3 100 (voice) 499-3 1 02 (TDD) for assistance.

For a sign language interpreter, please call Ateja Dukes at 499-3 1 70 at least 4-5 day in ad ance. CIUDAD DE AUSTIN Oficina de Vivienda para Vecindarios Desarrollo Comunitario AVISO DE DISPQNIBILIDAD DE FINANCIAMIENTO: Programa de Servicios a la Juventud La Oficina de Vivienda para Vecindarios Desarrollo Comunitario (NHCD) de la Ciudad de Austin ha proporcionado financiamiento federal proveniente del Departamento de Vivienda Desarrolo Urbano de los Estados Unidos de acuerdo con el programa de Donaciones de la Seccion de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG). Parte de los fondos CDBG de la NHCD esti reservada a actividades destinadas a mejorar la calidad de vida en vecindarios prioritarios mediante el Programa de Servicios a la Juventud. Las donaciones estan actualmente disponibles para organizaciones sin fines de lucro a fin de llevar a cabo actividades que cumplan los requisitos del Programa de Servicios a la Juventud en la ciudad de Austin. Este programa permite que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro presten servicios a jdvenes de vecindarios con situacion economica deprimida.

Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro interesadas en postular deben entregar una propuesta a la NHCD. El personal de la NHCD otorgarS un puntaje a cada propuesta efectuara recomendaciones al funcionario de Desarrollo Comunitario. Para este programa se nan asignado $150,000 los montos adjudicados estaran sujetos a la disponibilidad de financiamiento. El maximo permitido para montos contractuales adjudicados es de hasta $50,000.00. Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro que deseen entregar propuestas pueden obtener informacion documentos de postulacion en la Oficina de Vivienda para Vecindarios Desarrollo Comunitario de la Ciudad, uhicada en Barton Springs Road 505, Suite 600.

Puede obtenerse informaci6n documentacion en la oficina de lunes a viernes entre las 7:45 de la maiiana las 4:45 de la tarde. Toda pregunta relativa al proceso de postulacion al procedimiento de seleccion puede responderse en una reunion previa a la entrega de las postulaciones que se realizarf el martes 16 de noviembre de 1999, desde las hasta las 5:30 de la tarde en la oficina de NHCD, en el Saldn de Reuniones del sexto piso. Se recomienda decididamente que todos los postulantes potenciales asistan a esta reunidn. Las propuestas se aceptaran a partir del 17 de noviembre de 1999. El plazo final para la entrega de las propuestas es a las 4:45 de la tarde del 8 de diciembre de 1999.

Las propuestas enviadas por correo por fax no seran aceptadas. Las postulaciones incompletas atrasadas no serin consideradas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, pongase en contacto con Aleja Dukes al 499-3170. La entrega de montos adjudicados esti programada para fines de diciembre de 1999. La Ciudad de Austin esti comprometida con el acatamiento del Acta de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA) con la Seccion 504 del Acta de Rehabilitacidn de 1973, segiin lo enmendado.

Se proporcionaran modificaciones razonables acceso equitativo a los comunicados previa solicitud. Llame al 499-3 100 (voz) al 499-3 1 02 (TDD) para obtener asistencia. La Ciudad no discrimina en base a discapacidades en la admisidn el acceso a sus programas actividades ni en el tratamiento empleo de fetos. Se ha designado a Dolores Gonzilez como Coordinadora del ADASecci6n 504 de la Ciudad. Su oticina esta ubicada en East 9th Street 206, Suite 14.138.

Si tiene alguna pregunta queja respecto de sus derechos del ADASeccidn 504, llame a la Coordinadora del ADASeccu6n 504 al 499-3256 (voz) al 499-2445 (TTY). Esta publicacidn esti disponible en otros formatos. Llame al 499-3100 (voz) al 499-3102 (TDD) para obtener asistencia. Si necesita un inteprete de lenguaje de seflas, llame a Ateja Dukes al 499-3170 con al menos 4-5 dias de antelacidn. J- 9911391169" 12592? Free Frame Free Frame Free Frame Free Frame AUSTL WAREHOUSE 6613 N.

LAMAR 323-0222 70 SALE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8711 Burnet RdM-WtaiMM 323-9292 M-F 904:30 SftllO-S ABOVE PLANS REQUIRE RESIDENTIAL LONG DISTANCE A DOES NOT INCLUDE ONE-RATE 1 1-YR COMMITMENTNEW ACTI- TTrtlTi! VATION 1 NOKIA I 1 5160 FREE Voice Mall Caller ID on aU -t on plans ot W100 min. 1 above 3 I CC7 $30maln NEW ONE RATE AVAILABLEI 300 MIN MO S9 w9tl no roarrengLO anywhere In U.S. pgpjy rTpQeiiiiint- prn 12221 N. Mopac Austin 512-339-4040.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.